Faith at LGA
“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself—so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.” - Fides et Ratio
Lumen Gentium Academy is dedicated to preparing young people for lives of eternal purpose. The unequivocal testimony of Scripture is that the single most meaningful thing we can do in life is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37) This first and greatest commandment liberates us to be radically self-forgetful without fear of being forgotten. Loving God wholly compels us to pursue His will alone, which in turn leads us to become more fully ourselves. As Pope Benedict XVI wrote, “[i]n this way, life becomes authentic.”
At LGA, we provide our students with regular and rich opportunities to deepen their intimacy with God, increase their knowledge of Him, and, when necessary, engage in the kind of self-examination that will help them to keep their love for Him the focal point of their lives. These include: daily morning prayer; weekly Mass; monthly Confession; monthly Adoration; and a close partnership with Our Lady of Mount Carmel, our local parish.
The commandment to “love our neighbor as ourselves” redirects our attention away from self-interest and towards divine other-centeredness. It calls us to a lifelong pursuit of willing the good of the other as our own. To that end, we help our students develop the ability to discern God’s image and likeness in others and devote ourselves to their wellbeing. This begins in the classroom, where students engage in learning as a shared enterprise in seeking understanding of what is true, and good, and beautiful. This requires that students exercise virtue, practice restraint, and extend charity to one another. We likewise share the goodwill and camaraderie that accompanies our educational mission with our families and friends through community celebrations and shared projects. Finally, we bring it to neighbors in need through service ministries and initiatives, including the food pantry, pro-life ministry, and environmental stewardship projects.
In the 2,000-year-old conversation between faith and culture, Catholic schools have always been a powerful force for civilization. For centuries they have been beacons of intellectual inquiry and understanding, illuminating the interrelationship between faith, knowledge, and reason. We proudly embrace that legacy and dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of virtue, wisdom, and truth as the primary end of education. We affirm the enduring tradition of Catholic learning and acknowledge our commitment to the Church and her teaching.
Lumen Gentium Academy forthrightly claims and assents to the Catholic academic, intellectual, moral, and cultural tradition. While most of our students and faculty are Catholic, not all are—and no two members of the LGA community occupy the exact same space on their faith journeys. We are devoted to preparing young men and women to be a light to the nations irrespective of their faith tradition or stage of spiritual development. Therefore, in keeping with a commitment to spirited inquiry, we eagerly welcome families of good will from all faith traditions.
We believe that high school is not a stand-alone chapter in a young person’s life; rather, it is the essential preamble to life as a college and graduate student, workplace professional, parent, friend, and citizen. The habits of mind and heart formed at LGA become the bedrock principles upon which decisions great and small are formed. To that end, we provide a Code of Conduct and Statement of Academic Integrity that is not a lifeless catalogue of rules to be observed thoughtlessly; rather, it provides a robust and lifelong approach to ethics grounded in charity, justice, mercy, prudence, and honesty.
By learning, grappling with, and offering input to the Code of Conduct, LGA students work to understand its rationale and its implications. By the time they offer their signatures in assent, the virtues undergirding the Code have taken root within their ethical DNA.