OLMC/LGA SCHOLA ON NATIONAL TV: Our students perform Ave Maria live on Fox & Friends Weekend.
OLMC/LGA SCHOLA PERFORMANCE: Watch our students’ beautiful performance at the 2024 Light of the World Gala.
FROM THE KITCHEN TABLE: FOX News Radio podcast hosts and LGA parents Sean & Rachel Duffy invite Fr. Daniel and Mr. Minson to discuss the philosophy of classical Catholic education and the distinctive benefits it offers students.
HEARTS FULL OF ENTHUSIASM: LGA’s mission to prepare students for happy, productive, fruitful, Christian lives
JOY AND HOPE (GAUDIUM ET SPES): Endow podcast, Director of Program Growth Simone Rizkallah interviews Dr. Larry Chapp and Fr. Daniel O' Mullane on one of Vatican II's most important documents and the missionary role of women in engaging the modern world.
PREPARING HEARTS FOR A HARVEST OF JOY: An inside look at the joyful learning on offer at OLMC and LGA schools
RELEVANT RADIO’S MORNING AIR® WITH JOHN HARPER: Fr Daniel & Mr. Minson discuss the benefits of classical Catholic education